SHAPES is a multi-game made up of 4 unique games in a deck. A game for couples looking for fun and competitive game to play in spare time.
Made: 2022
Category: Playing cards
Cards: 73
Age: 18+
How to play
Guess The Shape is a couple’s fun and intimate game. It has 3 levels and a player need 5 points to move up a level.
Number of players: 2 players (couples game)
Below are the acts in the Amendment cards
Phase 1, Amendment Card
Phase 2, Amendment Card
Phase 3, Amendment Card
Cards on Hand game was created with couples group friends in mind but it’s suitable for any group friends. Up to 7 players can play and it is played with the bottom section of the cards.
Number of players: 3-7 players (friends). 2 players can play but it’s harder to play with two players.
The Objective
The aim of the game is to get rid of all the cards on you whilst all other players tries to stop that from happening. On this game all the players are against each other and can play against anyone. When playing Cards on Hand you have to be calculative and use your cards strategically in order to win.
Playing Props
Cards on Hand is played with the complete SHAPES card deck, the 73 playing cards.
The Game
The Cards
Single Shape Cards
Double Shapes Cards
Triple Shapes Cards
Blank Cards
Heart Cards
Rank Cards
Last Cards
Reject -Cards-
Shape Shot is an intimate game played as a couple. It is fun and active. You get only 1 round in the game and the winner picks a card from the 3 end game cards (the heart cards) that were selected for the game set-up. Shape Shot is played with the top section of the cards.
Number of players: 2 players (couples game)
The Objective
The goal of Shape Shot is to get all your shots into the cups with a tennis ball before your opponent does. The entire round can be won if a player gets 3 shots in a row, into the mini red shot glasses at the middle.
Playing Props
Shape Shot is played with 20 red large plastic cups and 3 mini red shot glasses. Along with a lime juice/alcohol shots. We recommend using lime juice, for a sober mind whilst playing and as the shot is sour, it prompts players to engage in the game than to take a shot and also good for non-alcoholic drinkers. The 20 red large cups and 4 mini red shot glasses, a fresh sealed lime juice and a pack of table tennis balls comes with the SHAPES Full Package from the SHOP section. Alternatively customers can get their own props elsewhere.
The Game
Spot is simple and straightforward. It is a game to play when looking for something short and simple within SHAPES games. It has 9 diamond shapes and each shape needs to be ticked for a player to win.
Number of players: 2 players (friends and couples game)
The Objective
The target for this game is to guess the diamond spots your opponent picks at random. The winner decides the end game (the heart cards), if played as a couple and if played as friends the end game is not implied.
Playing Props
Spot is played with the 7 end game cards (the heart cards) and the 3 Amendment cards in SHAPES card deck. A score sheet is also required to play Spot. This can be hand drawn on paper by players or bought with SHAPES Full Package in the SHOP section.
The Game
1. Can you play guess the shape & shape shot without drinks?
Yes, you can play with lost points. Although, we recommend playing with lime juice shots, to amplify the intensity of the game.
2. How does Guess The Shapes game end?
The winner decides how the game ends by picking one of the End Game heart cards (Last cards). There are 7 End Game cards in the deck.
3. What are the best tips to play Cards On Hand?
Pay attention to players with only 3 cards or less. Sometimes whilst focusing on winning other players are on their Cards On Hand (Cards On Hand means players who has just 3 cards left on them).
4. Can under 18 year olds play SHAPES?
No! SHAPES is not suitable for 17 year olds and under. Our primary users are from 18 to 45 years old.
5. Can you play Guess The Shape in groups?
Guess The Shape and Shape Shot are particularly tailored to couples.
Cards On Hand game is designed for groups (friends). The Spot game is a simple game played with friends or as a couple.
6. What are Amendments for?
The Amendment cards are power cards which players uses in Guess The Shape game. It is a lifeline. A player can use their level of Amendment only at the level their opponent is on.
There are 4 acts in an Amendment card. Pick one act you are confident in and play it against your opponent. If you win the Amendment contest, the game is automatically reversed back to you to play. If you lose the Amendment against your opponent, your opponent continues the game.
7. Is SHAPES strictly for couples?
No, friends can play Cards On Hand and the Spot game.
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